Army: Heroes and Units
An army is a player's party that freely moves around the global map, engages in battles, and interacts with various points of interest. The army consists of 1 hero leading it and 4 common unit slots. Armies can be freely recruited and modified during your travels.
Heroes. Their classes and rarity
A Hero is a base character in any player's army; an army cannot exist without a hero leading it. Heroes take part in battles as any other unit. Each Hero has a unique look, stats, skills, and special abilities. There are over 120+ different heroes in total for 12 game factions. Heroes in Eladrea are divided into classes by default, depending on their innate talents:
Fighter - close combat fighter with various bonuses that are mainly aimed at damage amplifying.
Archer - a physical ranged attacks specialist who uses his bow or crossbow as the main weapon.
Tank - a large amount of HP and AC allows him to withstand a great number of incoming damage which makes him a core party defense specialist.
Assassin - increased high critical hit chance and ability to dodge enemy attacks make them very dangerous opponents on the battlefield.
Mage - spell caster who can deal ranged magical damage to enemies as well as debuff them.
Support - the backline of the army who buffs his troops and heals them.
*Additional heroes classes will be added as the Game will be developed further.
Each Hero has its own rarity which determines the bonus to the hero's stats and the limitation of the hero's current version in the game world. Later developers will add an opportunity to upgrade the player's hero's rarity by burning tokens.
There are 5 rarity levels:
Hero's skills and abilities.
All Heroes has a wide skill tree and special abilities that can be unlocked and learned sequentially in the academy. After reaching the proper level and studying in the academy for a specified amount of resources, the learned talents can be used on the battlefield by active heroes. Players are allowed to reset any heroโs skills and abilities for the cost of FEA tokens at any time.
Heroes receive experience points after defeating enemy mobs, and other players or completing a quest. After accumulating a certain amount of XP heroes can level up increasing their passive stats and unlocking new skills and abilities. At this moment of development, the hero's level cap is set to 60 levels. After gaining every 15 levels every hero receives the opportunity to choose the next tier of his class progression.
Each hero has his own mana pool. Mana is spent on activating unique skills during the combat and replenished gradually. Special NFT heroes possess a more formidable choice of combat skills and mana regeneration rates.
Inventory and Equipment
Every player has a shared inventory of available items that can be distributed between active heroes.
Each hero has 9 equipment slots:
Two rings
Eladrea offers its players over 1000+ items of different value and rarity - boosters, scrolls, all sorts of equipment, potions, and amplifying crystals. All are stored in the player's shared inventory and can be divided into the following general types:
NFTs are limited edition specific items of different rarity. Players can buy or sell NFTs in the in-game Marketplace.
Common items - ordinary armor and weapons not limited in their number in-game. They can be used in battles or disassembled into materials for crafting and upgrades.
Artifacts - 5 types of reinforcing crystals with various effects that can be placed in the special slots in buildings or heroes. Once placed the crystal can't just be removed or changed to other. Players are required to pay โXโ $FEA tokens to remove the crystal from its slot. Alternatively, the player always has an option to simply destroy the crystal and free the slot for others.
Legendary items - unique items of higher rarity which possess ultimate powers.
All Items can be upgraded to the next rarity rank for a specified amount of $FEA. Also, all kinds of items, including NFTs will be available in the Marketplace - an in-game trading zone for buying and selling all kinds of equipment.
Units. Types and specialties
Units are common battle entities in Eladrea. Each of the 12 Eladrea factions has its own unique unit list. Players can stack a different number of similar units, depending on Hero, leading the army, level, and how many of them are available at the moment. Thus, if one unit has X stats, then when the player stacks 2 similar units into one army slot, their stats are X * 2, and so on, depending on the amount. The player can combine different types of units, managing an army for a specific enemy or the required type of battles.
Different units are recruited in their own special buildings at the player's capital.
Each type of unit has its own specialty - close or ranged combat, spell caster, support, etc.
Capacity - The number of units contained in one army slot. The Maximum number depends on the hero level and Citadel, War Academy, and unit recruitment building upgrades.
Every 20 levels (up to the 60th level) units will progress to the next rarity, receiving new looks, skills, and increased stats.
Any unit has one rechargeable ability that can be reused after a certain time.
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