Selanár are ancient people of Eladrea who consider themselves descendants of goddess Illádri and indigenous people of the Southern lands of the continent.
The Lands of Selanár occupy areas with mild tropical climates, thick forests, wild nature, rocky slopes, rivers, and waterfalls. Traditional farming, collecting, fishing, and hunting are important and flourishing parts of life in the region.
Selanár are spiritual and well-educated people. Their focus is often on studying ancient manuscripts and scrolls. Ancient warcraft is considered a ritual and an integral part of worshiping goddess Illádri.
Despite the fact that combat magic and warcraft haven’t been used by Selanár for at least a couple of thousands of years, their might and skills in this field have grown substantially. They’re ready to protect their land at the cost of their own lives.
Fea monuments in these lands are rainbow-like green crystal formations that provide Selanár with magical power. They nurture all living things and represent a strong bond between the people and the goddess Illádri.
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